Class 11: Basics of Python with Practice questions | 2023 | Informatics Practices IP 065 | Aakash
Welcome to the channel where we try to make things easier for you! Syllabus PDF: https://cbseacademic.nic.in/web_mater... For Notes/Doubts/Discussions, please join the telegram group: https://t.me/+c5gWM6PiL085M2I1 Topics and Sessions are available for CBSE classes 10-12: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFORMATICS PRACTICES COMPUTER APPLICATIONS COMPUTER SCIENCE Basics of Python programming, Python interpreter - interactive and script mode, the structure of a program, indentation, identifiers, keywords, constants, variables, types of operators, precedence of operators, data types, mutable and immutable data types, statements, expressions, evaluation and comments, input and output statements, data type conversion, debugging.