Genos vs sonic one punch man season 2 episode 2 reaction mashup | Saitama saves fubuki 🔥

Genos vs sonic one punch man season 2 episode 2 reaction mashup | Saitama saves fubuki 🔥

Saitama saves fubuki caught in the blast by genos and sonic🔥 One punch man season 2 episode 2 reaction mashup | Saitama vs sonic 2 Thanks for watching!! Your like and subscribe is really appreciated💜 Also subscribe and support the reactors in this video 👇👇 The Normies    / @thenormies   YaBoyRoshi    / @yaboyroshi   Jennrea    / @makireactions   X-Theboywonder    / @xtheboywonder   MikeTango    / taaaangy   Lil chinq anime    / @lilchinq   dos cavazos    / @doscavazos   AJ rich    / @ajrich   If you have any questions/suggestions comment down below or email us: [email protected] #Onepunchman #Onepunchmans2ep2 #reactionmashup