Finish the Lyrics Wicked 🧙‍♀️Moana 2 🌺 and more

Finish the Lyrics Wicked 🧙‍♀️Moana 2 🌺 and more

Can you finish the lyrics to popular songs from Wicked, Moana 2 and more? Let's see how well you know your music! In this Finish the Lyrics Wicked🧙‍♀️Moana 2🌺and more challenge, we've lined up 30 popular songs from Wicked, Moana 2, Encanto, Frozen, and more of your favorite movies! The rules are simple: first we'll play a short soundbite of a song, then you'll need to finish the lyrics before the timer rings! Can you complete the lyrics to all 30 songs? Let's put your music knowledge to the ultimate test! We hope you enjoy the finish the lyrics Wicked Moana 2 game! For more great games and quizzes subscribe to our channel, The Quiz Show. We promise fun!