My Method For The BEST Chicken WINGS: Cosori Air Fryer Review And Test 🐔🍗
These air fryer chicken wings are the best hot wings I’ve ever had, and on keto diets and carnivore diets, they can be an amazing easy dinner! The Cosori air fryer (Pro LE 5 qt here) is a great way to make easy recipes for keto and carnivore meals, and the proper human diet is so much easier to stick to when amazing foods come so easily from a kitchen gadget like this one! Try out these hot wings for an easy method, a tasty dinner, and a great assistant for amazing low carb recipes as you work to take back your health! (Recipe Below) Here’s a link for the Cosori air fryer I’m using! You should definitely go visit Cosori if you’re in the market for an air fryer or if you need to upgrade. They’re fantastic! https://a.co/d/d8SL8gT If you’d like to support my channel, you can join my YouTube memberships or use any of my links right here! Chris Cooking Nashville Patreon: / chriscookingnashville Chris Cooking Nashville Shop: https://chriscookingnashville.mysprea... Chris Cooking Nashville Amazon Shop #paidlink: https://www.amazon.com/shop/chriscook... ❗️Important Note: I get a commission every time you purchase a product through my Amazon affiliate link. ❗️As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Eat your meat (chicken wings included), love your life! Chris 😊🥩🧈🥓🍳🐔🍗 #paidlink #carnivorediet #ketodiet #carnivore #ketocarnivore #carnivorerecipes #ketorecipes #keto #lowcarb #butter #chickenwings #airfryer #airfryerrecipes #airfryerwings #airfryerreview #cosori #cosoriairfryer #hotwings #chickenrecipe Recipe ——— Ingredients: 3.5 lbs clean chicken wings Seasoning of choice Sauce of choice Lard ——— Method: Pat chicken wings dry. Season lightly with seasoning of your choice. I used about 1 Tbsp of Tony Cacheres Creole Seasoning. Toss wings in seasoning and spread on cookie sheet. Place uncovered in refrigerator for at least 2 hours to dry (overnight is even better). Preheat air fryer at 400F degrees for 4 minutes. Lightly brush basket with lard (or animal fat of your choice). Pat wings dry gently if necessary. Add to air fryer basket. Do this in 2-3 batches if necessary so as not to overcrowd the air fryer. Air fry at 380F for 24 minutes, shaking or flipping wings every 7-8 minutes. Remove from air fryer to bowl and continue this process with the next batch of wings until all wings are cooked. Add all fried wings back into air fryer and fry at max temperature (usually 450F) for 6 minutes, shaking or flipping after the first 3 minutes. When finished air frying remove immediately to large bowl and coat with your favorite sauce if desired. Serve immediately.