1st Sunday of Christmas  -  December 29,  2024

1st Sunday of Christmas - December 29, 2024

Your gifts to support our mission and ministry are greatly appreciated! https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithe... Presiding Minister: Pastor Janice Altenburger Assistant Minister: Mickie Sandusky Assistant Minister: Cindy Workman Musician: Albert H. Dell Readings: Luke 2: 1-7 Luke 2: 8-16 Matthew 2: 1-12 John 1: 1-5, 14-18 Hymns: "From Heaven Above" (ELW 268) [versus 1-3] "Away in the Manger" (LBW 67) "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks" (ACS 913) "The First Noel" (ELW 300) "Of the Father's Love Begotten" (ELW 295) "Good Christian Friends Rejoice" (ELW 288) Streamed by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License # SAS028184 and ONE LICENSE # A-725738. All rights reserved.