Divine Feminine 🙏🏾 🦋 SACRAL Chakra Affirmations | Sexual Energy Healing
Sacral chakra affirmations govern: sensuality, sexuality, nurturance, flowing. The Divine Feminine is the aspect of the Divine that reflects most in women, it is the feminine aspect of Spirit. And the Sacral chakra is the home of the womb- reproductive space in women. Release trauma and blockages from your womb. Goddess many of us have had sexual or intimate trauma or simply emotional hurts from relationships- this video can be part of your healiing. 🌙BOOK A WELLNESS SESSION WITH ME Info: https://Viv.as.me/Lifestyle. 🙏🏾*1-on-1 consultations:🦋 https://Viv.as.me/ This is for you to get help with things such as: Chakra Healing (for your specific issue,) starting on Youtube, or starting a meditation practice. Goddess in your prime? Stuck on what to do to live your dreams, are you tired and lack of energy, stressed? I’m a spiritual teacher, yogini and meditation practitioner for over 2 decades. Been featured in Essence, Self, Yoga Journal & Heart & Soul magazines. I provide spiritual coaching (online and audio/video) for any woman ready to live their best, most joyful life! My focus is on spiritual growth, meditation, manifestation & developing our intuition as the connection to the Divine. Join my In the Flow of Magic e-list here: and get two guided relaxation, meditations FREE and updates: http://eepurl.com/ci0h8L Recommended products: https://www.amazon.com/shop/yogabliss... Videos you'll love: This powerful video is in three stages...a CHAKRA journey, AFFIRMATIONS & audible "subliminal" & ends with just music to dance to- • Divine Feminine: Powerful 7 Chakra AF... Self-Love Meditation: • Black Women: Beautiful Self Love Med... Sacral (2nd Chakra) Yoga: • SACRAL CHAKRA YOGA: Beginners Yoga Pr... Have a wonderful week, spread peace, and your gifts with the world. Twitter: @KalaViv Instagram: Personal account / kalavivart_soul Image credit: https://unsplash.com/@daluz, creative commons license pulled Feb8th, 2021