Sunday Evening Service 12/26/2021
Our Website: https://friendsoc.org Пожертвования/Donations: https://friendsoc.org/donate/ Live Stories YouTube: / @foclivestories2021 Live Stories Facebook: / live.stories.568 0:00 - Start of Livestream 0:06 - Start of Service (David Golub) 2:40 - Congregational Singing 5:48 - Choir 8:00 - Sermon (Igor Protsenko) 48:40 - Choir 54:26 - Congregational Singing 58:20 - Prayer for needs / thanksgiving (Mykola Bahnyuk) 1:05:48 - Congregational Singing 1:08:44 - Thanksgiving for finances (Vitaliy Tsymbal) 1:10:27 - Group singing 1:22:16 - Sermon (Viktor Uzhva) 1:49:43 - Closing word (Andrey Bagnyuk)