Issue of Shares | Pro Rata | Calls in Advance & Arrears | Part-1 | Class12
Issue of Shares | Pro Rata | Calls in Advance & Arrears | Part-1 | Class12 . . . . Welcome to our detailed video on the Issue of Shares for Class 12 CBSE Accountancy! In this video, we cover all the key concepts related to the chapter, including: Pro Rata Allotment Calls in Arrears Calls in Advance We explain each topic step by step with easy-to-understand numerical examples, making sure you grasp the fundamentals perfectly. Whether you're preparing for your exams or just looking to clarify your doubts, this video will provide you with a solid foundation on the issue of shares. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more in-depth study material and exam tips! Blueprint of Accounts • Blueprint of Accounts | Class12 | CBS... #Class12Accountancy #IssueOfShares #ProRataAllotment #CBSE #CallsInArrears #NumericalExamples #AccountancyTutorial #ExamPreparation