MIKE MENTZER: NUTRITION FOR BODYBUILDING #mikementzer   #fitness   #motivation  #gym

MIKE MENTZER: NUTRITION FOR BODYBUILDING #mikementzer #fitness #motivation #gym

To learn more about Mike Mentzer's life, legacy and teachings, please visit: https://www.hituni.com/about/mike-men... In this video Mike Mentzer reveals the role that proper nutrition plays in bodybuilding and health, and also takes a shot at the supplement hucksters that are trying to convince you that the reason you’re not gaining is solely because you’re not using their particular products. To see more of Mike Mentzer check out these videos by Wayne Gallasch of GMV: MIKE & RAY MENTZER TRIPLE PACK DVD SET (V-209SP-DVD)  http://tinyurl.com/ym4vdkta MIKE & RAY MENTZER – GYM WORKOUT DOWNLOAD  (V-121)  http://tinyurl.com/2ua7p8rj MIKE MENTZER – FINAL CHAPTER DOWNLOAD  (V-208)  http://tinyurl.com/yc4efn8y