The Harvest of Justice. ❗No copyright infringement intended.❗
July 23, 2023 | 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Year A The presence of evil persons who cause suffering to innocent people and disrupt the order of society has always been a thorn in the flesh for both unbelievers and believers. It is especially difficult for us believers to reconcile this fact with our belief in a God who loves justice and has the whole world in His hand. Today’s First Reading and the Gospel help us make sense of it all as they assure us that God is always in control of the situation, even when evil (which comes from the Devil) seems to have the upper hand. In due time, perfect justice will be done. God’s apparent “inaction,” therefore, is not due to impotence on His part, but to His desire to offer new chances of repentance to those who do evil. In this Eucharist, we will ask for a stronger faith and the grace to be able to counteract the evil that exists around us by doing as much good as we can. As St. Paul says, let us overcome evil with good. (Rom 12:21) Communion song : The Harvest of Justice Please use earphones for the best music experience. ❗No copyright infringement intended❗ #saintpancratiuschoir #SPC #saintpancratiuschapel #pacopark #acapellachoir #SundayService #churchservice #reels #fbreels #reelsviral #StarsEverywhere