Ear Infections: Best Ways to Treat at Home and Prevent that Earache

Ear Infections: Best Ways to Treat at Home and Prevent that Earache

Do you or your child suffer from an earache? Do they get frequent ear infections or what we call otitis media? Get a doctors perspective on some simple things you can do at home as an effective ear infection treatment. Most importantly you will learn how to prevent them from happening in the first place. Now, when we talk about treatment, it’s important to understand that there are two main types of infections that we see. One is bacterial and one is viral. When its a bacterial infection it's called Acute Otitis Media, these are a lot less common. The second type we call Otitis Media with effusion. These tend to be viral. Now these names don’t mean a whole lot to you, all you care about is your kid’s ear is killing them, but it makes a big difference to your doctor. Because depending on what the ear drum looks like gives us a good idea which is which. Ultimately it matters, because there are significantly different treatment approaches that we take for each of them. So why does this matter? Well, it’s important to know because antibiotics are worthless in treating a virus. If the ear drum is red and bulging out at you then its more likely to be a bacterial infection and may benefit from an antibiotic. Now, if the ear is just red and angry looking, but not bulging out, then it’s more likely to be a virus and the antibiotic would be worthless. Unfortunately, for you the patient, there really isn’t a way to know what you or your child have without an exam. So does that mean that you need to run to the doctor or emergency room every time your kid complains of ear pain? Thank goodness the answer is no. So refer to my other video about when you should be seen for an ear infection. So what are things that you can do to help you through this? It’s important to remember, that since most ear infections are caused by a virus, your body will often clear it on its own. Because of that, most of our treatments will focus on helping with the symptoms, while your body does what it does best and fight it off on its own. Effective measures to control symptoms that have been studied: *OTC pain meds like Tylenol and Ibuprofen-take according to instructions on bottle, consult your doctor on how to do this, but often times can alternate taking each one every 3 hours. *Warm compress over the affected ear and alternating that with ice. -Caution not to leave heating pad on for prolonged period to avoid burns. Helpful but not studied: *Laying with affected ear up *Applying downward and outward traction on ear Some things many may advocate using are putting things like • Garlic oil • Tea tree oil • Ginger • Olive oil A few drops of body temperature oil in the ear can provide some relief. I wouldn’t count on it to cure a true bacterial infection but it won’t hurt and can provide some relief. *Avoid putting drops in ear when there is drainage unless under the direction of physician. Treatments that are not effective and can be harmful: *Ear Candles *Fire Cone The most important thing to remember about any of the home remedies is that if your symptoms persist or are getting worse after a couple days then go in and get seen. Best ways to help prevent: • Get your kids vaccinated for both flu and pneumonia and the bacteria hemophillius influenza. These are standard common childhood immunizations. • Wash your hands and teach your kids to wash hands frequently • Get rid of the constant use of pacifier- In one study it showed that elimination of pacifier use decreased ear infections by 1/3 • Don’t give infants bottles to sleep with-Besides dental problems also gives increased risk for ear infections • Stop smoking-smoke exposure for your kids increases risk of ear infections • Breast Feed your baby at least 6 months preferably to a year Remember, what is discussed above is for informational purposes only. This is not intended to be medical advice to you in your own situation. Always consult your own doctor for recommendations on your specific situation.