STEP BY STEP SURYA NAMASKAR FOR BEGINNERS | Learn Sun Salutation In 3 Minutes Simple Yoga Lessons
Learn Step by Step Surya Namaskar which is a set of 12 powerful Yoga Asanas in less than 3 minutes. Surya Namaskar provides a good cardiovascular workout. They are one of the perfect ways to keep the body in shape and the mind active and calm. Surya Namaskar steps are basically powerful yoga poses that provide an excellent, wholesome cardiovascular workout while also having a positive impact on the body and mind. In other terms, Surya Namaskar, which is also known as the "sun salutation," is a technique that has been used for centuries as a way to express gratitude towards the sun. The sun provides the energy that all forms of life need to survive, so by honoring it, we are simply acknowledging its great importance in our lives! #yoga #yotubeshorts #yogaforbeinners #WithMe #staysafe #suryanamskar #simpleyogaexercise #mindboydsoul #YogaWithMe