Memorial of The Holy Guardian Angels
8:00 a.m. Mass, Monday of the Twenty-sixth Week in Ordinary Time, October 2, 2023
Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels
Memorial of The Holy Guardian Angels, October 2, 2024,
Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels
Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels, Wednesday October 2, 2024
Holy Guardian Angels Happy Feast Day - Pray For Us - October 2
Holy Mass and Novena | Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels | October 2, 2024 | 7PM
6:00 PM Mass | Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels | 10/2/2024
Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels - October 2, 2024
Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels - 10/02/2024
Wednesday, October 2 - 7 p.m. Mass - Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels
Memorial, Holy Guardian Angels / Memoria, Santos Ángeles Custodios - Miércoles 10/02/24 7:00 PM
Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels Billingual Mass 6:30
Holy Mass - Memorial of The Holy Guardian Angels; plus Holy Hour (10/02/24)
Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels - 5PM Adoration and 6PM Holy Mass
Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels: (10/2/2024) 6 pm
Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels - 6:00 PM
Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels
Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels | October 3, 202
2nd Vespers for the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels
II Vespers Holy Guardian Angels October 2