What Happens When You Drink Lemon Juice and Olive Oil in the Morning on an Empty Stomach
This ancient remedy is an ideal way to start the day – A teaspoon of lemon and virgin olive oil every morning, taken on an empty stomach, can bring great benefits to health. The union of the two elements, already in themselves healthy, helps to lubricate the mucous membranes of the stomach, to fight constipation and to activate the circulation and the functions of the liver and gall bladder. This antioxidant remedy is able to free us from toxins, purifying us from the inside. Let’s take a look at the five main benefits of taking a teaspoon of lemon juice and olive every morning. 1. Curbs constipation The mixture has antioxidants, which help get rid of the toxins in our body. It also lubricates the inner body, facilitating the function of the bladder, making it smooth. It escalates the process of digestion, making it easier and healthier to go to the bathroom. 2. Anti-inflammatory This mixture has anti-inflammatory properties, and joint or rheumatic pain can be helped if this mixture is taken every morning. 3. Helps the liver This mixture really helps our liver in expelling and discharging the unwanted toxins from the body, which is responsible for us feeling too swollen up from inside, and also contributes to tiredness. 4. Improves Blood Circulation Rich in fatty acids, this mixture helps remove the bad cholesterol, facilitating the blood flow, and improving the blood circulation, in the process. Also, it is anti-inflammatory and rich in vitamins. 5. Beauty Benefits This mixture is simply superb for skin, hair and even nails. If you are someone who has brittle nails, all you need to do is soak your hard working and damaged nails for 10 minutes before bed, and you will soon see a difference. As for hair, a mixture of olive oil and lemon has always been an extraordinarily good one, as it fights hair loss and dandruff, and increases shine and lustre of hair. Again consuming this mixture is great way to see its benefits. So now you know! All you need to do, to make the most of this amazing morning tonic, is to take the juice of a ripe lemon and add it to a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, and drink it up! The better the quality of olive oil, the more beneficial this exercise will be for you. You can also add a little bit of water to make the mixture more palatable and improve its cleansing properties. I hope you have enjoyed this video - If you want more natural health remedies then check out the lost book of remedies. It’s a hugely popular book on the Healing Power of Plant Medicine, and you can check our review, or watch a video explaining more about the book by clicking on the link within this screen - or in the description below. You won’t be disappointed.