Today's Gospel Reading -  What Are Today's Catholic Mass Readings and Gospel Reflection for January

Today's Gospel Reading - What Are Today's Catholic Mass Readings and Gospel Reflection for January

Today's Gospel Reading - What Are Today's Catholic Mass Readings and Gospel Reflection for January #Gospellighthouse #TodayGospelReading #GospelReadingforToday #GospelandReflection #HolyMassReadings Today's Catholic Mass Readings & Gospel Reflection - Tuesday, January 14, 2025 Reading 1: Hebrews 2:5-12 Resp: Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9 Gospel: Mark 1:21-28 Tuesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time Lectionary: 306 Reading 1: Hebrews 2:5-12 God did not subject the future world to Angels. As Scripture testifies: “What is man, that you are mindful of him, or the Son of Man, that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the Angels; you crowned him with glory and honor and placed all things under his feet.” Though all things are subject to him, we do not yet see this fully realized. However, we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the Angels, now crowned with glory and honor because of his suffering and death, so that by God’s grace, he might taste death for everyone. It was fitting that God, for whom and through whom all things exist, should make the author of salvation perfect through suffering as he leads many to glory. He who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one origin, and for this reason, he is not ashamed to call them brothers, saying: “I will proclaim your name to my brothers; in the midst of the assembly, I will praise you.” Responsorial Psalm: Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9 R. (see 7) You have given your Son rule over the works of your hands. O Lord, our Lord, how admirable is your name in the whole earth! What is man that you are mindful of him, or the son of man that you visit him? R. You have given your Son rule over the works of your hands. You have made him a little less than the angels; you have crowned him with glory and honor and set him over the works of your hands. R. You have given your Son rule over the works of your hands. You have subjected all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen, and even the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea that pass through the paths of the sea. R. You have given your Son rule over the works of your hands. Alleluia: 1 Thessalonians 2:13 R. Alleluia, alleluia. Receive the word of God, not as the word of men, but as it truly is, the word of God. R. Alleluia, alleluia. Gospel: Mark 1:21-28 And they entered into Capernaum. And entering into the synagogue promptly on the Sabbaths, he taught them. And they were astonished over his doctrine. For he was teaching them as one who has authority, and not like the scribes. And in their synagogue, there was a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out, saying: “What are we to you, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are: the Holy One of God.” And Jesus admonished him, saying, “Be silent, and depart from the man.” And the unclean spirit, convulsing him and cryi