Does head and neck cancer hurt? | क्या Head & neck कैंसर मे दर्द होता है? | Dr. Amit Chakraborty

Does head and neck cancer hurt? | क्या Head & neck कैंसर मे दर्द होता है? | Dr. Amit Chakraborty

For any queries, contact us at the given number or visit our website! Contact:- 7304622350 Website:- ___________________________ In this video, Dr. Amit Chakraborty (Consultant Surgical Oncologist, Mumbai) Explained if head and neck cancer hurt. 0:10 Does head and neck cancer hurt? Early on in an ulcer, there won't be any pain. Additionally, the pain will begin when the ulcer begins to spread and the affected nerves become involved. 0:45 Does oral cancer pain also affect the ear? Radiating pain is the correct term for it. Similar to how there is no pain when the ulcer is small, but when the ulcer begins to grow and affects the nerves, there will be a pain. 1:33 Can a mouth sore be cancer if it doesn't hurt? If the ulcer lasts longer than three weeks and does not heal after treatment, you should visit a cancer specialist. Subscribe to my channel for more such informative videos. 📌 Share this video with your family & friends! Must watch our other videos! Thyroid cancer क्यों होता है?    • Thyroid cancer क्यों होता है? | Why D...   Laryngeal Cancer - Causes, symptoms & treatment    • Laryngeal Cancer - Causes, symptoms &...   Salivary Gland Cancer - Causes, Symptoms & treatment    • Salivary Gland Cancer - Causes, Sympt...   Oropharyngeal cancer - Causes, symptoms & treatment    • Oropharyngeal cancer  - Causes, sympt...   बिना इलाज के कब तक जिंदा रह सकता है Head Neck Cancer patient?    • बिना इलाज के कब तक जिंदा रह सकता है H...   ___________________________ Follow us on :  Website:  Facebook:   / amitscancercare    Instagram:   / amitcancercare    LinkedIn’: #amitcancercare #cancer #dramitchakraborty #headandneckcancer #cancersurgeon #cancercare #mouthcancer #oralcancer