Nani Teri Morni ko mor le gaye| PART 1 | नानी तेरी मोरनी l Hindi Nursery Rhyme Kids l Toon Tv Rhymes

Nani Teri Morni ko mor le gaye| PART 1 | नानी तेरी मोरनी l Hindi Nursery Rhyme Kids l Toon Tv Rhymes

In this fun and catchy Hindi nursery rhyme and kids song, Nani Teri Morni ko mor le gaye. Sad but true, Nani Teri Morni ko mor le gaye. Too bad she died so young. Nani teri morni ko mor le gaye. Poor baby never got to play. This fun and catchy nursery rhyme and kids song is perfect for kids learning Hindi. The lyrics are simple and easy to memorize, making it a great choice for learning Hindi vocabulary. Plus, the song is catchy and fun, making it a great choice for nursery rhymes and kids songs. HI Kids This channel is a fun animated hindi rhyme video for kids. This hindi baby song video will surely bring a smile on your face, hope you will enjoy watching this video as much we enjoyed making it for you. Hope you liked our video, ‘SUBSCRIBE’ to us to be the first to know when we upload a new one! Visit our website ============================================ Music and Lyrics: Copyright Skyplex Studio Pvt Ltd™ Video: Copyrights : Skyplex Studio Pvt Ltd™ #maintota #hindirhymes #hindinurseryrhymes #hindipoem #kidshindirhymes #rhymesinhindi #balgeet #hindibabysongs #kidsrhymes #maintota #hindisongs #naniterimorni #inhindi #hindi #hathiraja #india #kavita #nurseryrhymes #babysongshindi #bacchonkegaane #hindicartoons #toontvhindinurseryrhymes tv, toon tv, nursery rhymes