Guess the Fruit and Vegetable in 3 seconds 🍎🥑🍍 | 100 types of different fruit and vegetables

Guess the Fruit and Vegetable in 3 seconds 🍎🥑🍍 | 100 types of different fruit and vegetables

Challenge your skills with this fast-paced quiz where you have just 3 seconds to guess the names of various fruits and vegetables! Perfect for a kids quiz or anyone looking to learn fruit and vegetable names, this photo-based quiz will test your knowledge from easy to impossible levels. Can you identify all the fruits and veggies in time? Join us and see how many you can guess correctly! 👉 Lemon, Cucumber, Onion, Banana, Apple, Melon, Pear, Cherry Tomato, Cherry, Cauliflower, Strawberry, Kiwi, Orange, Tomato, Grapes, Pickle, Carrot, Pineapple, Peach, Potato Comment your answers and subscribe to brain freezer for much more fun quiz games! guess the fruit / guess the vegetable/ fruit and vegetables quiz/ #quiz #trivia #fruitquiz #vegetables #fruit