सबसे आसान तरीका सॉफ्ट दही भल्ले का | Dahi bhalla vada recipe | Soft Dahi Bhalla| 10 min recipe

सबसे आसान तरीका सॉफ्ट दही भल्ले का | Dahi bhalla vada recipe | Soft Dahi Bhalla| 10 min recipe

Ingredients/सामग्री 1 katori urad dhuli dal/उरद दाल 1/2 katori moong dhuli dal/मूंग धुली दाल 2 inch chopped ginger/अदरक 1 tsp salt/नमक 1/2 tsp cumin seeds/जीरा hing water/हींग का पानी 1/2 tsp salt/नमक sweet curd/मीठी दही roasted cumin powder/जीरा पाउडर red chilli powder/लाल मिर्च sweet chutney/मीठी चटनी green chutney/हरी चटनी --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canon EOS 6D Mark II 26.2MP:- https://amzn.to/3Arj28N Microphone :- https://amzn.to/3xu4gfy Wireless Microphone:-https://amzn.to/3ypGAci Bi-color LED D520B Video Light: -https://amzn.to/3xcves9 DCL 60W Video Light:- https://amzn.to/3qNyqs0 Soft box:- https://amzn.to/3qTdy2w Headphones:- https://amzn.to/3ysc025 Tripod:- https://amzn.to/3jIAdx0 Table backdrop:- https://amzn.to/3xuRldH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please do like, comment, share and subscribe to my channel for upcoming videos. Hit the bell icon so that u don't miss any update!! Your questions and suggestions are always welcome. Thanks for watching!! VIDEO LINK:-   • सबसे आसान तरीका सॉफ्ट दही भल्ले का | ...   YOUTUBE LINK -   / @cookwithrupamsehtya5436   TWITTER LINK-  / cookrupam   INSTAGRAM LINK:-   / cookwithrupamse.  . FACEBOOK LINK -   / cookwithrupam   #dahibhallarecipe #dahibhalla #dahivada #dahivadarecipe #howtomakedahivada #dahivadarecipeinhindi #dahibhallerecipe #दहीबड़ारेसिपी #सबसेआसनतरीकासॉफ्टदहीभल्लेका #dahibara #dahibaray #howtomakedahibhalla #softdahivadarecipe #dahibhallarecipeinhindi #dahiwadarecipe #उड़ददालकेदहीभल्लेदहीवड़ा #दहीभल्ले #dahibhalledahibarayrecipe #dahigujia #दहीभल्लाबनानेकीविधि #dahibhallabananekatarika