Indian Polity [Series] - Lecture 8 | Salient Features of the Indian Constitution.

Indian Polity [Series] - Lecture 8 | Salient Features of the Indian Constitution.

The Indian Polity Series will help the students preparing for the UPSC IAS examination to get a detailed perspective of the Indian Constitution. The series will also focus on covering some of the important books on Indian Polity like - M LAXMIKANTH, D.D BASU etc. This series will not only be useful to students preparing for the UPSC IAS examination but also for other competitive examinations like the state PSC etc. --------------------- Introduction: Indian Polity [Series] by Mr. Babu Gunasekaran | The IAS Mentor    • Indian Polity [Series] by Mr. Babu Gu...   Indian Polity [Series] - Lecture 01 | What is a Constitution ?    • Indian Polity [Series] - Lecture 01 |...   Indian Polity [Series] - Lecture 02 | Constituent Assembly    • Indian Polity [Series] - Lecture 02 |...   Indian Polity [Series] - Lecture 03 | The Regulating Act 1773 to Act of 1786    • Indian Polity [Series] - Lecture 03 |...   Indian Polity [Series] - Lecture 04 | Charter Act 1793 to Charter Act 1853    • Indian Polity [Series] - Lecture 04 |...   Indian Polity [Series] - Lecture 05 | Indian Council Act of 1861, 1892 & 1909.    • Indian Polity [Series] - Lecture 05 |...   Indian Polity [Series] - Lecture 6 | Govt. Of India Act 1919, 1935 & Indian Independence Act 1947.    • Indian Polity [Series] - Lecture 6 | ...   Indian Polity [Series] - Lecture 7 | Practice Questions-1    • Indian Polity [Series] - Lecture 7 | ...   ---------------------- Telegram: Instagram:   / babu_ias_337   Facebook:   / babu.gunasekaran.3   X: --------------------------- Subscribe for Full Series Notification Like and Share Thanks & Regards. #indianpolitybymlaxmikanth #indianpolity #babugunasekaran #constitutionofindia #indianconstitution #indianpolitybybabugunasekaran #whatisaconstituion #indianconstitution #upscindianpolity #upscias #upscgspaper2 #salientfeatures #democarcy #separationofpowers #divisionofpowers #independentjudiciary #salientfeaturesofindianconstitution