My Way of Trading: Liquidity Inducement | ICT Concepts | Algorithm

My Way of Trading: Liquidity Inducement | ICT Concepts | Algorithm

My strategy contains some concepts such as: The ICT (Inner Circle Trader) concepts, usually known as (but often transformed by mentors) "Smart Money Concepts" Liquidity Inducement Theorem (concept from reimfx) but with my perception Following the Algorithm In today's video, I want to share with you and without filters how I trade on a daily basis and how I became consistent using my strategy. I hope you'll all find value out of this video! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✅ Useful links: -Our Website: My book "Trading with Confidence": -Our Instagram page:   / elysiumtradingempire   -If you wish to express your gratitude in forms of donations: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 Introduction 01:30 Where it all began 10:57 My 3 steps formula 13:38 Example of a Day Trade 38:44 Thanks for watching ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #mindlesstrading #littrading #lit #reimfx #trading #liquidityinducement #fvg #liquidity #trap #inducement #ict #ictmentorship #elysiumtradingempire #forex #trading #tradingstrategy #trader #forextrader #forextrading #algorithm #money #forexlifestyle #investment #investing #invest #forexmarket #smartmoney #SMC #Smartmoneyconcepts #ICT #LIT #InnerCircleTrader #LiquidityInducementTheorem #LiquidityInducementTheory #LiquidityInducementTraps #Liquidity #Inducement #InternalRange #ExternalRange #Algorithm #elysiumtradingempire #dailybias #shortterm #intermediateterm #longterm #sth #ITH #STL #ITL #Shiftinmarketstructure #marketstructure #sniperentry #entry