November 17, 2024, 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time, 11:00am Mass
The 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time at the 11:00am Sunday Mass. Thank you for joining us at Our Lady of Peace. Bulletin: https://files.ecatholic.com/2224/docu... Help support our Livestream Ministry by making a one time or recurring donation-it is greatly appreciated! FAITH DIRECT: https://membership.faithdirect.net/OH89 Visit us on the web: www.olpchurch.com for information about the parish, staff, schedules and more. All Masses and Streamed Events are available after broadcast at our Youtube Page: / @ourladyofpeacechurch www.OLPCHURCH.com. Note: Permission to podcast/stream/print music obtained through Onelicense.net#727121. All Rights Reserved.