How to Fade Two Images Together in Photoshop
In today's lesson, we will teach you how to fade two images together in Photoshop. Open Photoshop app. Open the images you need. Select reposition tool from the left side tool bar. Click on one of the pictures. Drag and drop the picture into the photo you want to merge it with. Click ‘Ok’ in the pop-up window. Click on ‘Edit’ at the top menu bar and select ‘Free transform’ from the list. Resize the picture. Click on checkmark once you’re done. Select the layer with the second picture on the right side of the screen. Click on ‘Add vector mask’ at the bottom of the screen. Select Gradient tool from the left side tool bar. Click on the gradient at the top of the screen. Select the grey preset. Click on the right black color block. Click on the arrow next to ‘Color’ and select ‘Background’ from the list. Click ‘Ok’. Click on the picture and draw a line to apply gradient mask. Repeat as many times as necessary.