25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass 9/24/23
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Celebrant: Fr. John Paul Forté, O.P. Readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/reading... Responses: https://www.universalis.com/static/ma... Online Giving Program: www.uacatholic.org/donate Songs, numbers from 2023 Choose Christ and Breaking Bread Missals from OCP.org Gathering: Tend the Ground (Stephan) BB-625, CC-288 Psalm: The Lord is Near to All Who Call Upon Him (Manibusan) CC-p204 Preparation: Open My Eyes (Manibusan) BB-406, CC-204 Communion: Shepherd Me, O God (Haugen) BB-461, CC-229 Reflection: Leading Us Home (Angrisano) CC-312 Closing: A Rightful Place (Angrisano) BB-741, CC-238 St. Thomas More Catholic Newman Center Tucson, Arizona UACatholic.org