October 10, 2021 Sunday Mass from Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Pass Christian, MS
Sunday October 10, 2021 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Celebrate the Mass with Fr. Paddy Mockler of Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Pass Christian, MS. Please visit www.mhtcatholic.org to see detailed information about the parish and special schedule due to the Corona Virus. Please visit us! Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church 9062 Kiln-Delisle Road Pass Christian, MS 39571 www.mhtcatholic.org www.facebook.com/mostholytrinityms Watch Fr. Paddy’s three homily video “ The Year of the Eucharist “ • The Year of the Eucharist For ongoing spiritual growth, Fr. Paddy has recommended the following websites and YouTube channels: Bishop Barron Daily Mass - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sjly... Bishop Barron - / wordonfi. . Dr. Brant Pitre - https://www.brantpitre.com/ Peter Kreeft - https://www.peterkreeft.com/ Patrick Madrid - https://patrickmadrid.com/ Steve Ray - https://www.catholicconvert.com/ Matthew Kelly - https://dynamiccatholic.