Best Dividend Stocks for Selling Covered Calls [2023]

Best Dividend Stocks for Selling Covered Calls [2023]

In this video I am breaking down for you my top dividend stocks to use right now to sell covered calls and maximize the cash flow and dividend yield you receive. These dividend stocks all have a reasonable dividend yield however with selling covered calls you can get up to 14X your cash flow. ➡   / averagejoeinvestor   ⬅ WANT ACCESS TO ALL OF MY SPREADSHEETS I USE ON THE CHANNEL ALONG WITH THE MONTHLY DIVIDEND STOCK SPREADSHEET AND INSTANT AWARENESS OF CHANGES TO MY PORTFOLIO? JOIN THE PATREON COMMUNITY! ➡   / averagejoeinvestor   ⬅ Need a GREAT Dividend Tracker for your portfolio? Here is what I use and it is EXCELLENT: The Dividend Tracker: Leave Me a Voice Message with a Question and it may be featured in a future video: This communication/content is for informational purposes only and is not intended as personalized investment advice, tax, accounting or legal advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or as an endorsement of any company, security, fund, or other securities or non-securities offering. This communication should not be relied upon for purposes of transacting in securities or other investment vehicles. #dividendportfolio #dividendstocks