건축가가 본 터키 "사도요한교회" -The Church of St. John in Turkey
"Archi의 소확행" 34번째 영상으로 '건축가가 본 터키의 사도요한교회"로 소확행과 함께 힐링을 느껴보세요~ 34st video of "Archi's 소확행," feel the healing with the video of "The Church of St. John in Turkey" *음악 : Ferdinando Carulli (1770-1841): Guitar Concerto in A major Op. 8a - Pepe Romero homepage: http://www.tascm.co.kr cafe : https://cafe.naver.com/pankyocm blog : https://blog.naver.com/tas4924