Christmas plum cake recipe with rum | Easy rich fruit cake recipe | SONALI’S KITCHEN
Christmas plum cake recipe with rum | Easy rich fruit cake recipe ,Plum cake recipe with rum,Kerala plum cake recipe,fruit cake recipe Christmas plum cake recipe with rum,Easy rich fruit cake recipe,#SONALISKITCHEN,Rich plum cake recipe with rum,Eggless plum cake recipe with rum,Kerala plum cake recipe with rum,Christmas fruit cake recipe,Christmas fruit cake recipe with rum,Christmas fruit cake recipe with brandy,Christmas fruit cake recipe without alchohol,Christmas fruit cake recipe moist,Christmas fruit cake recipe with orange,Fruit cake recipe,Easy fruit cake recipe,Moist rich fruit cake recipe SOAKING FRUITS in a large bowl add 100 g raisins 100g prunes 100 g blue berries 100 g crane berry 100 g black raisins 100 g apricot 50 g dried pineapple 50 g dates 1 tbsp orange zest 1/2 tsp lemon zest 1 tsp ginger powder 1 tbsp all spice powder (mix of nutmeg cloves and cinnamon) 1 cup orange juice 180 ml rum mix it well,Cover with a cling film and close tight. Let it soak overnight for alcohol,you can even soak for one week,I soak these mix fruits 2 days ago After 2 days Strain liquid completely 1 cup almonds cut into slices. Add slice almonds into it. Mix it well and set it aside. To make the cake In a large bowl or plate add 2 and a 1/2 cup all purpose flour 1 tsp baking powder ,Give it a good mix. Add dry fruits into it ,give everything a good stir.This process helps to prevent the fruit from sinking to the bottom of the cake.Mix the flour and fruit thoroughly and stir through to break up any longer clumps of fruit.Mix until well combined and set it aside Making the caramel In a large vessel add 1 cup sugar Turn the heat on and let this sugar melt down slowly you don’t want the heat very high cook on low heat.No need to stir just swirl the pan around.Once it’s started bubbling add 1/2 cup water.Boil for 10 seconds turn off the heat.Let it cool down completely . For the batter in a bowl add 200 g soft unsalted butter at room temperature Beat until light and pale in colour .Into it add 200 g brown sugar Mix until everything is nice combined,all of the sugar has dissolved and you are left with a nice light and fluffy mix,Now add 4 eggs at room temperature.Add eggs one at a time whisking in between each addition.Add 1 tsp vanilla essence.A pinch of salt.Mix it well Into the fruit and flour mix add butter mixture Into it add 120 ML of caramel that we have made earlier, Gently folds all the ingredients together. Greased cake tin with melted butter,Brush butter paper with butter and place that into the cake tin Poor mixture into the prepared cake pan.Garnish with some dry fruits Into the preheated oven bake it on 160° for 90 minutes or until skewers comes out clean Allow it to cool down slightly Brush cake with rum You can store this cake in a cool dark place for months Thank you for watching in this channel I have share variety of dishes and recipes which is very simple to make with ingredients available at home and can be easily understood so that anyone and everyone can make it. If you have enjoyed watching this video and want me to make more such video then don’t forget to like subscribe and share it with your friends and family. ..MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL YOU LOVELY PEOPLE Music by We Wish You a Merry Christmas by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/ Content covered in this video Recipe for moist Christmas fruit cake Best Christmas fruit cake recipe Keto Christmas fruit cake Easy Christmas fruit cake Rich fruit cake recipe Light fruit cake recipe Christmas fruit cake recipe with rum Eggless plum cake recipe with rum Kerala plum cake recipe with rum Plum cake recipe with rum Rich plum cake recipe with rum Fresh fruit cake recipe Easy rich fruit cake recipe Traditional British rich fruit cake recipe Gluten free rich fruit cake recipe Moist rich fruit cake recipe Christmas fruit cake recipe with brandy Christmas fruit cake recipe with alcohol Christmas fruit cake recipe moist Christmas fruit cake recipe with orange My other videos Chicken satay with peanut sauce recipe • Chicken Satay with Peanut sauce | Asi... Balaram Mullick and Radharaman Mullick • Balaram Mullick & RadhaRaman Mullick ... #christmascake #fruitcakerecipe #SONALISKITCHEN #christmasspecialcake #christmasfruitcake #christmasplumcake #plumcakerecipe #plumcake #fruitcake #cakes #kerelaplumcake