Guardians of the Galaxy || Vol-3-(2023) || Sci-fi/Action movie || action scene

Guardians of the Galaxy || Vol-3-(2023) || Sci-fi/Action movie || action scene

#guardiansofthegalaxyvol3 #hollywood #action #scientific Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 || best action scientific movie 2023 || action scene || movie clip || sad scene .. .. .. • .. .. .. Plot: At their new headquarters on Knowhere,[a] the Guardians of the Galaxy are attacked by Adam Warlock, a Sovereign warrior created by High Priestess Ayesha, who seeks to destroy them for stealing from her.[b] After critically wounding Rocket, Adam is stabbed by Nebula, and flees. The Guardians' med-packs are useless at healing Rocket's wounds, who has a kill switch embedded in him by Orgocorp, a company helmed by the High Evolutionary, Rocket's creator. The Guardians travel to Orgocorp's headquarters to find the switch's override code and save Rocket's life. As Rocket lies unconscious, he recalls his past. As a baby, he was experimented on by the High Evolutionary, who sought to enhance and anthropomorphize animal lifeforms to create an ideal society called Counter-Earth. Rocket befriended his fellow Batch 89 test subjects: the otter Lylla, the walrus Teefs, and the rabbit Floor. The High Evolutionary was impressed by Rocket's growing intelligence but became furious once it exceeded his own. The High Evolutionary used Rocket to perfect his Humanimal creations, then planned to harvest Rocket's brain for further research and exterminate the obsolete Batch 89. Rocket freed his friends, but the High Evolutionary killed Lylla. Enraged, Rocket mauled the High Evolutionary, whose henchmen killed Teefs and Floor in the ensuing firefight. Rocket eventually fled Counter-Earth in a spaceship. In the present, the Ravagers, including an alternate version of Gamora,[c] help the Guardians infiltrate Orgocorp. They retrieve Rocket's file but discover that the code was removed, with the likely culprit being Theel, one of the High Evolutionary's advisors. The Guardians, along with Gamora, depart for Counter-Earth to find him. They are followed by Ayesha and Adam after the High Evolutionary, their race's creator, threatened to wipe out the Sovereign if they fail to retrieve Rocket. The Guardians reach Counter-Earth and are guided to the Arête Laboratories complex. Drax and Mantis remain with Gamora and Rocket as Peter Quill, Groot, and Nebula travel to Arête. Nebula is forced to wait outside by guards as Quill and Groot enter Arête, while Drax tricks Mantis into pursuing Quill's group. Gamora saves Rocket from being captured by Adam and the High Evolutionary's guard War Pig. IMDb rating : 7.9/10 Budget : $250 million Box office: $845.6 million ‪@DK__studio‬