December 24, 2020, Candlelight Christmas Mass

December 24, 2020, Candlelight Christmas Mass

December 24, 2020, Candlelight Christmas Mass, live broadcast from St. Ann Church and National Shrine Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License # M-400656. All rights reserved. Christmas Mass Times: Thursday, December 24 - No 6:30 AM Mass. There will be an 8:45 AM Mass (also live-streamed). Vigil Masses for the Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord as follows: 3:00 PM in Church/3:15 PM in Gym, 5:00 PM in Church/5:15 PM in Gym, 10:00 PM Christmas Candlelight Mass in Church (5:00 PM and 10:00 PM Masses will also be live-streamed). Christmas Day: 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM in Church. HOLY COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND Realizing that many of our parishioners have not received the Eucharist in a very long time, Deacon G and Deacon Tom have decided they will bring Holy Communion to those who are homebound due to the Corona Virus. They will come to your house on Saturday Mornings between 9:00am and 11:30 AM, depending on their availability. You can receive Communion once a month. You will need to call the office (504-455-7071) Monday through Thursday to be put on the list. It will be first-come-first-served basis. This means you may have to wait until the following week to receive Communion. When you call, please let the secretary know how many of you will receive at the time of the visit. Deacon Tom and Deacon G will call you on Friday evening to inform you when to expect them on Saturday morning. Following is the protocol to be followed for home visits: 1. You must be free of any symptoms of COVID-19. 2. The deacons will not come into your house, so you must meet with them at your doorstep. 3. You must be wearing a mask during this brief visit. 4. You must receive the Eucharist in your hand and consume it immediately. 5. The deacon will give you a blessing before he leaves. We may be able to adjust the frequency of receiving after we have been through a couple of months with this process. Donate Website: YouTube Subscribe    / stannchurchn.  . Facebook:   / stannchurcha.  . Instagram:   / stannchurch   Twitter:   / stannmetairie   Bulletin: Email: [email protected] Mass Times Saturday 7:30 AM; 4:00 PM Vigil Mass (live-streamed) Sunday 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM (live-streamed), 11:00 AM & 5:00 PM Monday - Friday 6:30 AM & 8:45 AM (live-streamed) Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 PM Tuesday 6:00 PM