What is in these Hobbii Lucky Bags?
I purchased 2 Lucky Bags (grab bags) from Hobbii and can't wait to open them up and see what's inside! @AtYarnsLength With special guest Hayley 🐈 starting around 1:10 No worries about spoilers with this unboxing. The bags are all supposed to be a bit different, so even if you order the same one, you'll probably get different yarn! What this will do is give you a good idea of the value of the purchase. 3:26 Opening bag 1 5:36 Opening bag 2 Have you purchased a Lucky Bag? Tag me! I'd love to see what's in it! 🔗 Visit me at home at https://www.atyarnslength.com or on Instagram @atyarnslength At Yarn's Length PO Box 1861 Woodbridge, VA 22195