Mini Keto Bagels recipe in the description

Mini Keto Bagels recipe in the description

Keto Mini Bagels (Fat Head Dough) 198.5 Calories 2.4g NC 3.9g Total Carbs 1.5g Fiber 16.4g Fat 10.5g Protein 1 1/2c (168g) Shredded Mozzarella 3/4c (84g) Blanched Almond Flour 1oz (28g) Cream Cheese 1 egg Spray Oil 1 (6 ct) Silicon Donut Mold Preheat oven to 425°. Microwave mozzarella, cream cheese and almond flour 30 seconds. Stir. Repeat until combined. Beat cold egg in small bowl. Use mixer with dough hook or press with a spoon to stir egg into dough until well combined. If kneading by hand use caution. Dough is hot. Keep hands well oiled. Divide dough into six balls. You can weigh dough if you want to be precise. Form a rope and place into mold overlapping ends. Repeat with rest of the dough. Bake at 425 for 12 minutes or until brown. Cool on wire rack 10 minutes before removing from molds. Sliced bagels in half before freezing. Bagels can be reheated in the toaster.