Worship Service for October 29th, Reformation Sunday

Worship Service for October 29th, Reformation Sunday

Welcome to Grace Lutheran Church for our worship service for Reformation Sunday, October 29, 2023! Before we begin, we'd like to recognise and acknowledge that our physical building in which we gather resides on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded lands and territories of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ (Musqueam) and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) speaking peoples. We encourage you to learn of and acknowledge the lands that you are on as well, as we together journey toward truth and reconciliation. The worship bulletin for this service can be found here: http://graceburnaby.com/wp-content/up... In the bulletin you'll find the order of the service, the words and responses of the liturgy, the hymn and page numbers out of the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal, and the full sermon. All the words to the songs, readings, and your responses will also be on your screen. For a fuller worship experience online, you are invited to have a lit candle in your space for most of the service, which can be extinguished along with the altar candles after the sending hymn. You may also join in on communion with something small to eat and drink ready for the appropriate time during the service. Further instruction will be given at that time. If you would like to support our ministry with a financial donation, we have a few ways to do so online. The first is free for us to use, and is set up by our national church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, at this link: https://secure.elcic.ca/ You will need to fill out the form, but on the "Donation Fund" drop down menu, please select "ELCIC Congregation" and enter our name and address in the "Personal Message" box. Our address is: Grace Lutheran Church 7283 Nelson Ave. Burnaby, BC V5J 4C2 The second way to give online does cost us a small fee for every dollar given, and it is through Canada Helps. This method is a bit easier to us, especially if you have an account with them already. Our profile can be found here: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/47761 And perhaps the easiest way to give is through e-transfer to [email protected] We appreciate your generosity! God grant you love and welcome in community and the kingdom, now and forever! One License #: A-717016 Augsburg Fortress License: SAS006436