February 18th, 2023 | 8:00am Worship Service
Thank you for joining us for worship today. 👨👩👧👦 Attendance Online https://www.oslcnashville.org/attendance 💵To give online go to https://www.oslcnashville.org/give 🖥 Website www.oslcnashville.org 📢 Social Media: Facebook: / oursaviornashville Instagram: / oursaviornashville Twitter: / oslcnashville 📺 To subscribe to our YouTube channel, click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/c/OurSaviorLu... 📚 Chapters 0:00:00 Prelude 0:07:57 Welcome and Announcements 0:18:13 Hymn: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (LSB 700) 0:22:34 Confession and Absolution 0:24:22 Introit 0:25:39 Kyrie 0:27:08 Salutation and Collect of the Day 0:27:51 Scripture Reading: Genesis 22.9-18 0:29:31 Scripture Reading: James 1.12-18 0:30:31 Anthem: These Alone Are Enough 0:33:54 Lenten Verse 0:34:42 Scripture Reading: Mark 1.9-15 0:35:51 Children's Message 0:40:34 Hymn: All Depends on Our Possessing (LSB 732) 0:42:53 Sermon: The Traps of the Devil 1:02:52 Nicene Creed 1:04:26 Prayer of the Church 1:09:17 Lord's Prayer 1:09:51 Communion: Preface 1:11:33 Communion: Prayer of Thanksgiving 1:12:07 Communion: The Words of Our Lord 1:13:02 Communion: Agnus Dei 1:10:22 Communion: Distribution 1:22:47 Communion: Canticle 1:24:21 Post-Communion Collect 1:24:54 Benediction 1:25:15 Hymn: O Lord, Throughout These Forty Days (LSB 418) 1:27:45 Postlude