☃️ The Night Before the Snow Day - Read Aloud Children's Book - Bedtime Story

☃️ The Night Before the Snow Day - Read Aloud Children's Book - Bedtime Story

Written by Natasha Wing Art by Amy Wummer Narrated by Reading in a Virtual World Music: Seasonal by Silent Partner Thank you for your support and please subscribe to our channel by clicking the following link: ‪@readinginavirtualworld‬ New books are uploaded weekly. Please help support the author by purchasing a copy of this book. #SnowBook #WinterBook #WinterStory #Bedtimestory #Snowball #Snowflake #SnowCrystals #FunBook #Education #educational #Learning #HolidayReadAloud #Bedtimestories #kidsreadaloud #childrensreadaloud #virtualreading #booksforkids #booksforchildren #ReadFromHome #Snow #Snowglobe #ReadAlong