The ULTIMATE Rotations & Positioning Guide for Rocket League

The ULTIMATE Rotations & Positioning Guide for Rocket League

My ULTIMATE Rotations and Positioning Guide for Rocket League. Today's video focuses on the game sense side of rocket league, a side we have never really covered in the past. How to rotate in rocket league and the best positioning in rocket league are the two main aspects that this video will cover and while a complete in depth look at how to rotate in rocket league would take hours, this is a very in depth look at the basic rotation and how to move and position as a team. This covers 3v3 rotation in rocket league, 2v2 rotation in rocket league and overall will cover the best positioning for both as well as looking over the different areas on the field to rotate to in certain situations. If you cannot rotate, you will struggle in the higher ranks. Learning how to rotate in rocket league can save you massively long term, and so today I bring you My ULTIMATE Rotations and Positioning Guide for Rocket League. So, time to learn how to rotate in rocket league, and the best positioning in rocket league when you are rotating. About Me I'm 22 years old I'm on PC with a PS4 controller I live in New Zealand (OCE) SETTINGS FOV 110 DISTANCE 270 HEIGHT 100 ANGLE -4 STIFFNESS 0.50 CONTROLLER DEADZONE 0.2 DODGE DEADZONE 0.75 STEERING AND AERIAL SENS 1.6 It changes all the time Check out my GamersRDY course for everything you need in order to rank up and improve insanely quickly! Use this Link and enter code THANOVIC for 20% off Controller Bindings    • Best Controller Settings + Deadzone -...   Improve Your Mechanics FAST    • Rank up Faster with These Videos   Subscribe To The Channel! Follow Me On Twitch!   / thanovic   Follow Me On Instagram!   /   Follow Me On Twitter!   / thanovic   Join The Discord!   / discord   Editor   / pulsetornado​​​​​​   / tornadovfx​​​   Production Music by Thumbnail:   / totema_art   If you enjoyed the video make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on any future uploads! That's everything from me today. This has been Thanovic I'll see ya next time #RocketLeague #Thanovic #Rotation #positioning