6 Signs You’re Burnt Out, Not Lazy

6 Signs You’re Burnt Out, Not Lazy

6 Signs You’re Burnt Out, Not Lazy: How to Recognize and Overcome Burnout Are you feeling constantly exhausted, overwhelmed, and unmotivated? It might not be laziness – it could be burnout. In this article, we explore the 6 key signs of burnout, a serious condition caused by prolonged stress, and how it differs from simple fatigue or laziness. Learn to recognize the symptoms of burnout, including persistent exhaustion, emotional detachment, decreased productivity, physical symptoms, and difficulty concentrating. Understanding these signs can help you seek the support you need to recover and regain your energy. Don't let burnout take over your life – take action today to protect your well-being. Keywords: Burnout symptoms, signs of burnout, exhaustion vs laziness, emotional burnout, overcoming burnout, work burnout, burnout recovery, mental health and burnout. #desk #papers #exhaustion #cynicism #reduced productivity #physical symptoms #self-perception #difficulty concentrating #brain fog #emotional numbness    / @silentfootsteps99