7/24/2022 | Sunday Seminar | Faith and Work

7/24/2022 | Sunday Seminar | Faith and Work

Join us as we hear from Bob Doll in this series about faith in the workplace! Here's what's happening at CCUC! http://ccuc.net/englishbulletin Pray with us at http://ccuc.net/englishprayersheet If you would like to give online, please visit https://ccuc.churchcenter.com/giving Donate to the Covid-19 Relief Fund at http://ccuc.net/covid19relief Visit our children's ministry page and channel! https://ccuc.net/en/chinatown/childre...    / @ccuc.childrensministry1472   To see more content, subscribe to our channel at    / ccucenglish   -- Stay connected Website: http://ccuc.net Facebook:   / ccuc.chitown   Line account: 198UJZLO