The walking Dead S3 Episode 1 Telltale Definitive Series

The walking Dead S3 Episode 1 Telltale Definitive Series

Hey guys, This is walking dead season 3 of the telltale definitive series, continuing from where we left. TWD Season 3 Episode 1 Ties That Bind - Part 1 "Ties That Bind" is the first episode of Telltale Games' The Walking Dead: A New Frontier. It is a two-episode premiere, with the second part also named "Ties That Bind". It is the twelfth episode of the series overall. When Javier and his family accidentally cross paths with a rival group, a simple misunderstanding quickly spirals out of control. The first episode of the game opens to a phone call between brothers David and Javier Garcia in which David is urging Javier to come see their family in time for their father's passing. As the phone call ends in the background, Javier, having abandoned his car due to inert traffic on the highway, is shown running to his family's house. When he arrives, he is confronted and punched in the face by David for missing their father's death. Start the series from season 1 Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 1:    • The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 1 |...   season 2 episode 1 :    • The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1 W...   Thank you for watching. Don't forget to Like and Subscribe. Follow me on Instagram @ghost_of_gamers