Hemolytic anemia classification | Hemolytic anemia | Hemolytic and Autoimmune anemia symptoms |

Hemolytic anemia classification | Hemolytic anemia | Hemolytic and Autoimmune anemia symptoms |

🙏🙏Please follow on👇❤ Follow on facebook   / easymedicalknowledge1   Follow on instagram   / esaymedicalknowledge   Don't forget like, comment, share and subscribe. Erythropoiesis; It is the process which produces RBCs, which development from erythropoietic stem cell ( myeloid progenator cells), to mature RBSs, with the help of erythropoietin, thyroid hormone and androgens. It is stimulated by the decreased levels of O₂ in circulation, detected by the kidneys, which then secrete the hormone erythropoietin. hemolytic anemia; It  is a disorder in which RBCs are destroyed, faster than formation rate, the destruction of RBCs is called hemolysis. RBCs carry oxygen all parts of body ( organs and tissues). It is two types; 1. Intravascular hemolysis 2. Extracellular hemolysis Laboratory diagnosis of hemolytic anemia; • physical exam • order blood tests • urine test • bone marrow test • genetic tests etc . Video caver topics; Erythropoiesis, Hemolytic anemia classification, Hemolytic anemia, Hemolytic anemia symptoms, hemolytic transfusion reaction, Bleeding disorders, Intravascular hemolysis, Hemolytic anemia treatment, Extra vascular hemolysis, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, What causes autoimmune hemolytic anemia?, hemolytic anemia treatment, hemolytic anemia diagnosis, hemolytic anemia causes, hemolytic anemia types, hemolytic anemia labs, hemolytic anemia lab values, #Hemolyticanemia #Hemolyticanemiasymptoms #Bleedingdisorders #hemolyticanemiadiagnosis #Easymedicalknowledge #hemolyticanemiacauses #hemolyticanemiatypes