I Am Grateful For My Body ∞ 44 Affirmations of Body Gratitude

I Am Grateful For My Body ∞ 44 Affirmations of Body Gratitude

Get EPIC AFFIRMATIONS, a BOOK designed to elevate your mindset and unlock your potential: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D3M1C6B6 Tune into the magnificence of your body with these 44 affirmations of body gratitude. Each affirmation is a tribute to the wonder of your physical existence, from your resilient heart to your tireless cells. By expressing gratitude for your body, you're not only fostering a healthier relationship with yourself but also tapping into a powerful source of wellbeing. Let's embark on this journey of body gratitude and discover the profound impact of appreciating every facet of our physical selves. Remember, gratitude is the key that unlocks the fullness of life. Here are some celebrated author that emphasize the power of gratitude: 🌼 Rhonda Byrne: Rhonda Byrne, the author of "The Secret," emphasizes the power of gratitude in attracting positive changes in life. She suggests maintaining a daily gratitude journal to focus the mind on positive aspects of life and thus manifest more positivity. 🌼 Louise Hay: The late Louise Hay, a motivational author, talked about gratitude as a means of manifesting abundance. She believed that being thankful for what we already have helps to attract more good things. 🌼 Dr. Robert Emmons: As a leading scientific expert on gratitude, Dr. Emmons has written several books on the subject, including "Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier". He suggests that regular practice of gratitude can lead to increased happiness, better health, and stronger relationships. 🌼 Eckhart Tolle: The author of "The Power of Now," Eckhart Tolle talks about gratitude as a means of being present and experiencing joy in the current moment, instead of constantly seeking fulfillment in the future. 🌼 Deepak Chopra: Deepak Chopra often talks about gratitude as part of a holistic approach to well-being. He suggests that expressing gratitude daily can improve psychological health and resilience. 🌼 Brene Brown: Renowned researcher Brene Brown discusses gratitude as a practice that's integral to joy. She encourages actively practicing gratitude, as it isn't just an attitude but something to be intentionally cultivated. You also may like these videos: Gratitude from Dawn To Dusk ∞ 40 Affirmations to Uplift Your Spirit Throughout the Day    • Gratitude from Dawn To Dusk ∞ 40 Affi...   Embracing Gratitude ∞ 30 Powerful Affirmations to Appreciate Life's Blessings    • Embracing Gratitude ∞ 30 Powerful Aff...   Unlock Your Success ∞ 100 Empowering 'I Am' Affirmations:    • Unlock Your Success ∞ 100 Empowering ...   Louise Hay Affirmations ∞ All is Well in My World:    • Louise Hay Affirmations  ∞ All is Wel...   Louise Hay Affirmations To Heal Your Life:    • Louise Hay Affirmations To Heal Your ...   Florence Scovel Shinn ∞ The Power of the Spoken Word:    • Florence Scovel Shinn ∞ The Power of ...   Inner Power, Harmony and Self-Discovery ∞ 40 Energizing Affirmations for a Positive Morning Routine:    • Inner Power, Harmony and  Self-Discov...   #affirmations #manifest #blessings #gratitude #positivevibes #thanksgiving #thankful #timing #lawofattraction #dailyaffirmations #thesecret #grateful #thanks #thankyou #thanksforwatching #thank Music by mubert.com