Milk and sugar popcorn - Homemade on a stove top without machine
This is the best method to make home-made popcorn with milk and sugar. I made the popcorn in tye video from scratch using a cooking pot on my stove top. Adding milk to popcorn gives it a rich creamy taste and makes the popcorn very nutritious. #popcornwithmilk #homemadepopcorn #stovetoppopcorn #milkandsugarpopcorn #homemadepopcornwithsugarandmilk Strps to make popcorn with milk and sugar on a stove The popcorn maize just needs a little oil and heat to help them pop. After popping, I turned off the heat before adding my sugar and finally powdered milk. This is how I make my homemade popcorn without a machine. My kids love to watch movies at home while enjoying this special milk and sugar popcorn. LEARN MORE ON THE BLOG: EMAIL ME: [email protected]