Who Is The Best Spouse in Stardew Valley?

Who Is The Best Spouse in Stardew Valley?

I asked everyone I could reach to tell me a little about their marriage candidate opinions. I ended up getting over 1500 results, with lots of fantastic insights. This video summarizes some of the key data, and some frequent comments that I received! 00:00 Intro 00:50 Overview of the Survey 01:20 Rank the Bachelors 03:04 Rank the Bachelorettes. 04:31 Favorite, Least Favorite, and First Marriage 07:49 Which Giftable Villager Would You Marry 09:50 How Old Are You? Is your identity represented? 12:34 Bachelors and Bachelorettes % Breakdown 14:32 Ace Stats 15:45 Bi Stats 16:36 Heterosexual Stats 17:40 Homosexual Stats 18:25 Other and Pan Stats 18:58 Gender and Sexuality Demographics 23:09 Your Comments 24:08 Other Takeaways Want to chat? Join the Discord!   / discord   Want to help support the channel even more? Become a member!    / @leapalot   Tips always appreciated, but never expected! https://streamelements.com/leapalot/tip Thanks to members: Dani Andrew RowBoatCop Easton Weeabo of Computers Andrzej Delannister Mule Elaine Bob P. Dog Doc Kat EyeshadowAndDucks Pesse Jhoenix Lex Lainey Shania A. LissaValley Andy T. MistyFrequencies SilverRose Colleen OakyChloe Caitlin Lee (ATSL) Sleepless Insanity Fernsy Isaac BunnySkye Ftwilwin MadiMoo Matthew McCleskey JustFloppa Honestly I have no idea what I'm doing abi PharmDACR Courtney Kohana M eleventacles Pixel Zegidroph Brootforce Anna F For helping fund this special brand of strange! #StardewValley #Stardew