Christmas Day (Mass) 10:00 a.m.
Holy Mass is celebrated for the Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in West Grove, Pennsylvania by The Rev. Father Scott D. Brockson, Pastor of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish. Your support of the parish and our ministries during this time is greatly appreciated. You can make a donation using your smart phone by texting (610) 810-5080 with your donation amount or by visiting the parish website at www.assumptionbvmwestgrove.org. Peace and Blessings to all who seek the Lord. All of the music performed in this Live Stream is done so with permission under ONE LICENSE.NET (A-736749) Remember to subscribe to our channel so that you get notifications when the parish goes "LIVE." View our weekly "PRINTED" Church Bulletin here: https://www.assumptionbvmwestgrove.or... Website: https://www.assumptionbvmwestgrove.org/ Facebook: / abvmwg Instagram: / abvmparishcommunity YouTube: / @abvmparishcommunity5887