Waiting November 27, 2022

Waiting November 27, 2022

During worship we have a children's sermon and a time where we share prayer requests together. While they will broadcast during our livestream, these sections are removed when reposting for privacy and safety. Support the ministry at: https://wumcsp.org/give/ "Waiting"       Michelle Biggs CLM Scripture Reading Luke 2:25-32 Online Worship for Wesley United Methodist Church Wesley UMC South Plainfield, NJ https://www.wumcsp.org/ As live streamed on Sunday during the 10:30 am service November 27, 2022 CCLI#1967483 Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 01:59 - Welcome 02:41 - Call to Worship 03:33 - Opening Hymn UMH#196 Come Thou Long Expected Jesus 05:55 - Advent Wreath Candle Lighting 06:46 - Announcements 11:00 - Choir Selection 16:16 - Time of Giving & Prayer 18:14 - Responsive Hymn UMH #216 Lo How a Rose Ere Blooming 20:30 - Scripture Reading Luke 2:25-32 21:50 - Message "Waiting"       Michelle Biggs CLM 40:25 - Closing UMH #251 Go Tell It on the Mountain 42:45 - Benediction