7 Ways To Shave & Style A Mustache | GQ

7 Ways To Shave & Style A Mustache | GQ

Don't be fooled by the full beard on Victory Barber & Brand's Matty Conrad. He swears he is a grooming expert and he's back to show you how to shave 7 classic mustache styles. Starting with his full beard, Matty takes you all the way from a beardstache to a pyramid pencil with all the tools and techniques needed to pull off these mustache looks. Follow Matty on Instagram: @mattyconrad Still haven’t subscribed to GQ on YouTube? ►► http://bit.ly/2iij5wt Subscribe to GQ magazine and get rare swag: https://bit.ly/2xNBH3i Join the GQ Discord to talk men's fashion, watches, and more:   / discord   ABOUT GQ For more than 50 years, GQ has been the premier men’s magazine, providing definitive coverage of style, culture, politics and more. In that tradition, GQ’s video channel covers every part of a man’s life, from entertainment and sports to fashion and grooming advice. Welcome to the modern guide to style advice, dating tips, celebrity videos, music, sports and more.    / gqvideos