James Chapter 3 Contemporary English Audio Drama (CEV)
⌚Verse Time Stamps⌚ [COMING SOON] James Chapter 3 Summary: No one can tame the tongue. With it we bless our Father and with it we curse others. The wisdom from above is pure and peace-loving. 📘 Contemporary English Version (CEV) ABOUT THIS LETTER This is a good example of a general letter, because it is addressed to Christians scattered throughout the Roman Empire. Though written as a letter, it is more like a short book of instructions for daily living. For James faith means action! In fact, the entire book is a series of examples that show faith in action in wise and practical ways. His advice was clear and to the point: if you are poor, don't despair! Don't give up when your faith is being tested. Don't get angry quickly. Don't favor the rich over the poor. Do good things for others. Control your tongue and desires/ surrender to god and rely on his wisdom. Resist the devil. Don't brag about what you're going to do. If you are rich, use your money to help the poor. Be patient and kind, and pray for those who need God’s help.