How To Fix Banding In Photography | Photography Tips
If you are a photographer, I'm gonna show you something that I can guarantee you’re going to run into this problem at some point and you are going to want to save this video! So, mirrorless cameras are very popular right now, and with mirrorless cameras comes this problem like you'll see behind me (in this video) called banding. You start to see banding when you shoot with artificial light. So, like, lamps, lights, overhead lights etc. And the reason is because artificial light doesn't always produce like a constant power of light it produces like a really fast flicker of light which is why you're gonna see the banding in your photos or videos. So how do we fix this? The first way is to switch to a mechanical shutter. Most of the time you're gonna see binding in your photos when you're shooting on a silent electronic shutter. The second thing to do is to mess around with your shutter speed because certain artificial lights work well with certain shutter speeds. AND don't forget to always take a test shot! Follow / cassidylynnephoto for more photography tips! & check out / cassidylynne for more wedding photography content! Inquire at https://cassidylynnephoto.com/