Today's Catholic Mass Readings and Reflections December 27, 2022 | Mass Gospel and Reflection | John
Today's Catholic Mass Readings and Reflections December 27, 2022 | Mass Gospel and Reflection | John Catholic Daily Mass Readings for December 27, 2022, Feast of Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist 1st Reading 1 John 1:1-4 Responsorial Psalm Psalms 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12 Gospel John 20:1A AND 2-8 Personal Reflection Today’s Reflection on the Readings Prayer Personal Reflection Is there much urgency in my own quest to find God? Today’s Reflection on the Readings The gospel reading for today encourages us to think back to the beginning of creation when the face of the deep was shrouded in darkness. Yes, dear friends, today each of us is called to start a new life while letting go of the previous one. Because with the birth of Jesus, everything has been made new. Jesus' birth made us all happy, as well as our families. Let us give thanks to our Child Jesus for blessing us with good health, quietness, and comfort. Lord, grant us the grace to maintain steadfast faith. Prayer Lord, I thank you for giving me 522 members of my extended family. Lord, I thank you for each one of them. Lord, continue to shower each of them with your greatest blessings and aid each of us in seeing beyond the obvious and comprehending your ways. As we spread the word about your Most Holy Name, Lord, please stay by our side and continue to lead and guide us. I thank all my subscribers for your constant support of this channel. If you like the content I am sharing, subscribe to this channel and experience peace and joy and faithful friendship in your life and with your family. Please subscribe to our channel / mothermarysprotection Please comment below your prayers and needs. We will pray for you. --------------------------------------------------------- mother mary's protection,catholic daily mass reflection,catholic daily mass readings book,catholic daily mass readings,catholic daily mass readings 2022,catholic daily mass readings app,catholic daily mass readings book,catholic daily mass readings Canada ,catholic daily mass readings today,daily catholic readings ,daily mass readings and reflections,today's catholic mass readings and reflections,mass readings reflections,catholic mass reading,mass readings for today,christmas #mothermarysprotection #christmas #todaysgospelreading #todaysgospelreflection