“If tomorrow never comes, what will we regret before the Lord?" | Bishop Raul Dael

“If tomorrow never comes, what will we regret before the Lord?" | Bishop Raul Dael

“If tomorrow never comes, what will we regret before the Lord? —I hope we will not wait for tomorrow to do beautiful and good things to ourselves, to our loved ones and to the community. Let us not keep on postponing the many good things that we could have done today. Let us not wait for tomorrow what we can do for today because tomorrow starts today and nothing can happen tomorrow if we will not do anything today. Today is the best time that the Lord has given us. Let us maximize this day, this moment and do the many good things that we can do for today.” -Most Rev. Raul B. Dael, DD Bishop of Tandag Homily | 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 12, 2023 New San Nicolas de Tolentino Cathedral Tandag City TaDSCoM | SIMPAUL FILMS #Tandag400 #400YearsOfChristianity #SynodalChurch #TandagDiocese #TaDSCoM #SimpaulFilms #WePrayAsOne ----------------------------- Be informed! Stay updated! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel:    / tandagdiocese   Like our official Facebook Page:   / tandagdiocese   Follow us on Instagram:   / tandagdiocese